Best in Specialty Show!
Dog #241 CH Nashems He’s The Man Of Woodmoor CD, RN
Bred by: Sara Karl & Greg Szumilas
Owned by: Sara & Randy Karl, Dottie Schultz
Handled by: Jeni West
Best Opposite Sex
#248 CH MTF Harmonie RN
Best of Winners
#138 Sunshine’s Who’ll Stop the Rain
Select Dog
#185 GCH CH Blumoon Tanzenite V Blackrock CD
Select Bitch
#250 Shepherdspatch Kiss Me Kwik
Best in Puppy Classes
#14 Gweebarra’s Maui Waui
Best Bred by Exhibitor
#138 Sunshine’s Who’ll Stop the Rain
Best Veteran
#196 CH Nashem’s Razzle Dazzle V Th’Dell
Award of Merits
#250 Shepherdspatch Kiss Me Kwik
#196 CH Nashem’s Razzle Dazzle V Th’Dell
#185 GCH CH Blumoon Tanzenite V Blackrock CD
#223 GCH CH Taplacs Invinsible Vinnie RN
#203 CH Sendache’s X-Mas X-Change V Astia
#227 CH Liebenhund’s Who’s Your Daddy
Pictures Please!?!?